Yesterday we had our scheduled rebalancing:
We also closed our $USDT.
We added $UNI and $ADA in our portfolio. We now hold 22 assets with $XRP and $AAVE continuing to lead in terms of allocation percentage.
Tether (USDT), adalah stablecoin yang dikembangkan oleh Tether Limited yang telah menjadi pemain penting dalam bidang mata uang kripto. Tether menyediakan media transaksi yang stabil dan memperkenalkan konsep stablecoin, yang sangat penting dalam pasar yang sangat tidak stabil. Proyek ini diluncurkan pada tahun 2012 dan menjadi terkenal pada tahun 2015 melalui Bitfinex. Saat ini, Tether menawarkan beberapa stablecoin, masing-masing dipatok ke aset yang berbeda.
Mempertahankan Nilai dan Stabilitas
USDT, yang sering disebut sebagai dolar digital, bertujuan untuk mempertahankan nilai yang setara dengan $1.00 USD, yang menegaskan bahwa satu dolar mendukung setiap token dalam cadangan Tether Limited. Halaman Transparansi Tether memberikan wawasan tentang token USDT yang beredar dibandingkan dengan total cadangannya, yang menyatakan pematokan 1 banding 1 dengan mata uang fiat yang sesuai.
Faktor dan Pertimbangan Risiko
Saat berinvestasi di Tether, penting untuk menyadari potensi risiko yang terlibat. Ini mungkin termasuk kurangnya audit independen, potensi penundaan penebusan dan penarikan, pengawasan peraturan, dan volatilitas pasar. Ada juga kemungkinan bahwa USDT dapat terlepas dari aset acuannya, yaitu dolar AS, yang dapat memengaruhi nilai dan stabilitasnya.
Cara tercepat dan ternyaman untuk membeli Tether adalah dengan membelinya di ICONOMI. Kami memeriksa harga langsung Tether di 10+ bursa kripto dan membelinya dengan harga pasar terbaik.
Anda dapat membeli Tether dengan menambahkannya ke Strategi Kripto (portofolio kripto) pribadi Anda. Anda juga bisa menggunakan fitur pembelian berulang kami yang cenderung meratakan efek volatilitas harga mata uang kripto. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi yang lebih kecil secara berkala di artikel blog kami.
Kami menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan riset dan analisis mata uang kripto sendiri. Perdagangan kripto yang berpengalaman menggunakan analisis fundamental dan teknis untuk mengevaluasi apakah Tether merupakan pembelian/penjualan yang baik. Analisis fundamental dan teknis adalah dua jenis analisis yang paling umum digunakan dalam perdagangan aset tradisional (misalnya, saham dan obligasi).
Jika Anda tidak terbiasa menganalisis harga mata uang kripto dan ingin membeli Tether, kami sarankan Anda membaca bagian selanjutnya, karena menyalin mungkin merupakan pendekatan yang lebih baik.
Jika Anda tidak ahli dalam hal ini, pertimbangkan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk berinvestasi dalam mata uang kripto. Anda dapat belajar dari dan menyalin para pedagang kripto berpengalaman di ICONOMI, yang secara teratur membagikan wawasan mereka dan mengelola Strategi Kripto publik mereka. Buka halaman Strategi dan gunakan filter “ticker” untuk mengetahui Strategi Kripto publik mana yang memiliki Tether dalam strukturnya.
Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Tether USDT. See all Tether GBP price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.
Yesterday we decided to dump $RUNE for $USDT due to the risks it faced because of it's lending services which became insolvent as the price of rune greatly underperformed the assets in the lending service.
This situation created a lot of confusion on social media and led to panic selling, as people feared that we'd see another Terra Luna type of crash. With our mandate being to act swiftly on verifiable threats to protect investor funds, we cut our losses on it which were just over 3% of the total portfolio.
It's worth mentioning that we still greatly believe in the $RUNE protocol which continues to function properly (swaps, LP, deposits & withdrawals) and it continues to be 1 of the most profitable protocols in the Blockchain space. We however understand that token price action is driven by market confidence.
Once (if) the team resolves the debts from the lending services and confidence returns with them giving us a solid way forward within the 90 days they've committed to, we'll likely add it back into our portfolio.
For now, we have just under 3% of capital waiting to be deployed into another project on our next restructuring & rebalancing which should be soon.
Thank you for your continued support, we shall continue to protect this portfolio while harvesting fruitful profits for you. #MzansiCrypto
We have had to conduct an unscheduled portfolio restructuring in order to remove an asset which we believe may be facing an existential threat.
In accordance with our mandate, we are to act swiftly to protect the portfolio when we identify a verifiable threat to a project we're exposed to.
We've successfully removed the asset and acquired $USDT with those funds. We'll redeploy those funds during our next restructuring.
More details about this operation will be shared soon, we surely do hope the threat is averted and the project survives.
$BTC looked very bad just yesterday.
Today is a whole different story.
All in all I still think the decision to move into $PAXG and $USDT was the right one considering we had a structural break lower.
Not only were $BTC able to reverse the sell-off it even managed to move above 95k - a resistance for the last 7 days.
I now want to see it hold above.
PPI today was better than forecasted so only CPI left to remove uncertainty from the markets.
Trump taking office could be another positive catalyst though only time can tell how much of this is already priced in.
Considering all of this Crypto is in a good place and once I see confirmation I will add strong coins like $IOTA, $AAVE, $SOL, $LTC.
What the fuck is happening man..
Can you address the rumor that the strategy was managed by a different person in the last year?
Crypto returns to work - DIGITAL VISION 4
Our first DigitalVision letter of 2025 is out now!
The holiday season often follows a familiar script for many of us. As the festivities begin, things tend to spiral out of control. By the time Christmas is over, you’re left feeling sluggish, stuffed with food, and unsure of the day, or if it even matters. Then January arrives, and like clockwork, motivation kicks in. Gyms fill up, routines restart, and life gets moving again.
If this sounds like your last couple weeks, you’re not alone. But what I’m really describing is the recent price action in crypto. Just as they say “charts are a mirror of human emotion”, this past week in the market couldn’t have proved it better.
As we step into 2025, we’re kicking things off with a packed edition of Digital Vision. From the latest developments in crypto regulation to standout projects primed to shape the year ahead, we’ve got you covered.
🚫Cryptoverse: EU bans $USDT, Michael Saylor rethinks Ethereum ($ETH )
🚅Digital Insight: $PENGU claims meme coin supremacy, DePIN contenders $PEAQ and $GRASS shine
🤑DVDealings: Updates for the Flagship and DigitalVision strategies.
I Guess an update is needed