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Future Chain Index


Actifs Copiant la Stratégie

29 978 €

Nombre de copieurs


Future Chain IndexPerformance de la Stratégie

Future Chain IndexPerformance de la Stratégie

La performance passée n'est pas une indication des résultats futurs. Les fluctuations de la devise EUR (€) peuvent faire varier les retours à la hausse ou à la baisse. Les retours indiqués sont avant frais.Consulte la divulgation des frais et des données de la Stratégie pour plus de détails.

À propos de cette Stratégie

À propos de cette Stratégie

Notre stratégie est simple. Ce qui perturbera le plus l'industrie des crypto-monnaies à l'avenir et investir massivement dans ce domaine.


Retour Annualisé
-48,40 %
Max. Prélèvement
-96,03 %
-18,15 %
+5,13 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Voir la structure

Changements de structure

Changements de structure

Dernier changement de structure
1 juil. 2024, 13:51:33
Nombre de changements de structure au cours des 30 derniers jours


We are entering the second hype cycle for altcoins this year as highlighted in the chart down below. Which means altcoins should outperform Bitcoin in the coming weeks. 

Each crypto cycle has its trends and memecoins are the dominant force of this bull run which have yielded the best returns. Therefore I decided to dedicate a big portion of our funds to them. 

May the pump be with us.


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5 personnes aiment ça

Despite $BTC being in a correction, which btw. is totally normal. In the 2016-2018 bull run there were six drawdowns of ~30%, alts are holding quite strong. And if we take a look at the Bitcoin dominance chart (posted below) I am strongly leaning towards the beginning of an altseazn. This means altcoins should soon go parabolic and outperform Bitcoin over the next couple of months. $SUI $SEI $IMX $BTC

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5 personnes aiment ça
Future Chain Index
28 févr., 2024

The actual Bitcoin run is mostly driven by institutional Money which is flowing into Bitcoin via the ETFs. BlackRock alone added +9000 BTC yesterday. And this money will eventually flow into altcoins as outlined in the “Crypto Money Flow Chart”down below. I wonder how hard altcoins will pump when time is due?! The clock is ticking! $BTC $SEI $SUI $IMX

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3 personnes aiment ça
Future Chain Index
13 févr., 2024

Usually after $BTC finishes a rally Altcoins will get pumped as you can see in the chart down below created by RektCapital. This holds true in our own experience, too. 

That’s why we at FCI are expecting big moves for Altcoins in the upcoming weeks. $SUI $IMX $SEI

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7 personnes aiment ça
Future Chain Index
8 févr., 2024

FCI learned from the mistakes of the last bull-run. Which means we are not clinging onto positions which are not performing very well. Therefore we cut $APT and added $IMX and $RDNT.

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