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Bona Fide Crypto

Actifs Copiant la Stratégie

8 336 €

Nombre de copieurs


Bona Fide CryptoPerformance de la Stratégie

Bona Fide CryptoPerformance de la Stratégie

La performance passée n'est pas une indication des résultats futurs. Les fluctuations de la devise EUR (€) peuvent faire varier les retours à la hausse ou à la baisse. Les retours indiqués sont avant frais.Consulte la divulgation des frais et des données de la Stratégie pour plus de détails.

À propos de cette Stratégie

À propos de cette Stratégie

Stratégie de gestion active axée sur une moindre volatilité, mais pouvant allouer un certain pourcentage d'actifs à haut risque pendant les cycles de marché.


Retour Annualisé
-9,71 %
Max. Prélèvement
-76,22 %
-22,28 %
+7,23 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Voir la structure

Changements de structure

Changements de structure

Dernier changement de structure
2 mars 2025, 21:45:42
Nombre de changements de structure au cours des 30 derniers jours


Bona Fide Crypto
28 févr., 2025

Hello, these few weeks with THE new president at the helm have felt like a red wedding. We deployed into the market after seeing good output on indicator and trendlines, but kept 25% in cash for some dry powder.

There is strong support for BTC at 77.5k, and watching trendlines carefully. If we hit that support and hold, we will use the dry powder to increase our exposure.

Keep calm, and keep safe!

Une personne aime ça
Bona Fide Crypto
16 déc., 2024

Taking profits and rebalancing to: USDC and PaxG.

These holiday season can be volatile and add the current macro picture into that, it is a risk not willing to take.

We will be in safe assets for this week to watch our indicators, and might be in safe asset into January.

If 2025 is the next epic bull phase, we will have time to enter again!

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Bona Fide Crypto
10 mars, 2023

Good afternoon beautiful creature!

It has been a while since our last post, and there has been a reason to it. Nothing has changed in the market for us to inform about, it has all played out as we thought except for the time frame.

Since we had a wrong time frame, we missed out on a possible gain by recent pump action. Our decision was to not enter the pump, as we still believed in our thesis, and it would be too risky to enter.

We believe that nothing has changed in the market, except that more people are starting to wake up to the coffee.

It would not be a surprise if we get a bounce from this point on, but it is not yet a point to enter.

Our strategy has entered a trading plan in iconomi to automatically pick up BTC at low ranges incrementally. We are prepared!

@Diversitas1 have great news points and worth to follow, and we share most of their views on the market.

Stay sharp peeps, and summer 2023 will be an interesting one 🧐

2 personnes aiment ça
Bona Fide Crypto
27 août, 2022

Lets be careful out here!

World finance seem to be starting to wake up to the coffee. 

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Bona Fide Crypto
20 juil., 2022

We have started to rebalance into more $USDC as this pump might be short lived. 

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