Investiere nicht, wenn du nicht bereit bist, dein gesamtes Geld zu verlieren. Kryptowährungen sind eine risikoreiche Investition, die sehr volatil sein kann, und du solltest nicht erwarten, dass du geschützt bist, wenn etwas schief geht. Nimm dir 2 Minuten Zeit, um mehr zu erfahren.

1 Strategy

Vermögenswerte, die die Strategie kopieren

43.383 €

Anzahl der Strategie-Kopierer


1 Strategy Strategie-Performance

1 Strategy Strategie-Performance

Die vergangene Performance ist nicht indikativ für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Schwankungen der EUR (€) -Währung können dazu führen, dass die Renditen nach oben oder unten gehen. Die angegebenen Renditen sind vor Gebühren.Siehe Offenlegung von Gebühren und Strategiedaten für weitere Details.

Über diese Strategie

Über diese Strategie

This is a moderate-risk strategy, and my investment is long-term.


Jährlicher Ertrag
+19,01 %
Maximaler Drawdown
-93,62 %
+2,56 %
+3,98 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Siehe Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Letzte Strukturänderung
11.03.2025, 13:17:59
Anzahl der Strukturänderungen in den letzten 30 Tagen


1 Strategy
21 Mai, 2023

This is a moderate-risk strategy, and my investment is long-term. I am not diversifying at the moment. Diversifying helps you minimize losses during market downturns, but it also reduces your profits during market uptrends. With large amounts, it is advisable to diversify, while with small amounts, you should invest in just one cryptocurrency.

I have no intention of balancing the strategy in response to market changes, at least for now. You are responsible for deciding when to enter and exit the market. Don't expect anyone else to do it for you. There is no magic formula that someone knows. There are many emotional investors, speculation, manipulation, lack of knowledge, numerous unforeseen variables, and disasters like those of FTX or Terra that can cause massive dumps, etc.

Simply choose a good project that you believe has value, don't focus on the price, and wait. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps not, as not every project with the greatest potential reaches the top. Sometimes inferior projects achieve it. I can afford to lose everything, and my life won't change in the slightest. I have long since recovered my initial investment.

I think iexec will do it. They have the potential, the connections and the skills to do it. I base this on things like this:

Finally, do not invest what you cannot afford to lose, if you are not clear that you can lose your investment or if you do not have information about what you are investing in. If you are not sure, do not invest in this strategy.

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