Investiere nicht, wenn du nicht bereit bist, dein gesamtes Geld zu verlieren. Kryptowährungen sind eine risikoreiche Investition, die sehr volatil sein kann, und du solltest nicht erwarten, dass du geschützt bist, wenn etwas schief geht. Nimm dir 2 Minuten Zeit, um mehr zu erfahren.

CryptoBase Altcoin Strategy

Vermögenswerte, die die Strategie kopieren

9.418 €

Anzahl der Strategie-Kopierer


CryptoBase Altcoin Strategy Strategie-Performance

CryptoBase Altcoin Strategy Strategie-Performance

Die vergangene Performance ist nicht indikativ für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Schwankungen der EUR (€) -Währung können dazu führen, dass die Renditen nach oben oder unten gehen. Die angegebenen Renditen sind vor Gebühren.Siehe Offenlegung von Gebühren und Strategiedaten für weitere Details.

Über diese Strategie

Über diese Strategie

Im Vergleich zu unserer Hauptstrategie konzentriert sich diese Strategie ausschließlich auf Altcoins, was diese Strategie risikoreicher macht, aber auch ein höheres Renditepotenzial bietet. Altcoins werden je nach Marktentwicklung hinzugefügt, um sicherzustellen, dass das beste Potenzial ausgeschöpft wird.


Jährlicher Ertrag
+15,59 %
Maximaler Drawdown
-74,24 %
-25,52 %
+9,18 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Siehe Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Letzte Strukturänderung
28.02.2025, 08:44:34
Anzahl der Strukturänderungen in den letzten 30 Tagen


We have posted an update on our main strategy page. You can find it here:

Einer Person gefällt das

Looks like the page is set to private whilst it is a public strategy. If you read the “post” section often you can also find out posts there. Of search for the handle @CryptoBase. Not the best platform to post on.

It says page doesnt exist when i use the link

Good day all,

a new weekly update has been posted on our main strategy. You can find the post by following this link:

Have a good week!

Post image
2 Leuten gefällt das

As mentioned yesterday in our weekly update. Volatility is going to be high running up to the ETF approval. Today is no different, these are strong hands trying to buy the weak hands. Do not fall in to that panic, hold is the best to do for now.

Full post is in the link below.

4 Leuten gefällt das

So far our altcoin strategy is performing pretty well compared to our main strategy. It will be interesting to see how the altcoins hold up versus the BTC ETF approval. Usually BTC tends to lead and altcoins catch up after profits are moved away from BTC. In any case, it is a good time to be in the market!

Post image
3 Leuten gefällt das

Weekly post is good, its interesting to read whats going on. I can sse that you change structur often, thats it, but that dosen tell me anything about you, your plan and whats going om thru ups and downs in the marked☺️ people that dont know how the marked works are panic selling when the marked goes down because they dont know whats happening☺️its interesting to know what asser that makes profit and what you remove or add of assets☺️i have added some funds to you to day, and i will keep adding more when i can☺️ keep up the good job☺️ hugs frome Norway🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴

@Shantini thanks for the comment. As you may have noticed through rebalancing, this is very actively managed. Daily posting feels like overkill on info, that is why a weekly update is what we have currently set out as a plan. For taking profit you can see the posts in our main strategy. We had a detailed post about how to take profit on the Iconomi platform. Hope that helps and thanks for reaching out 👍🏻

Thanks for updates, im thinking of investing more but i need to see how active you are, what your thinking, whats happening in thru ups and downe and when you take profit.. That shows your serious and when people see than you are investered in this and know what you are doing, people alsow will invest more☺️