Investiere nicht, wenn du nicht bereit bist, dein gesamtes Geld zu verlieren. Kryptowährungen sind eine risikoreiche Investition, die sehr volatil sein kann, und du solltest nicht erwarten, dass du geschützt bist, wenn etwas schief geht. Nimm dir 2 Minuten Zeit, um mehr zu erfahren.

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Best of Crypto


Vermögenswerte, die die Strategie kopieren

47.020 €

Anzahl der Strategie-Kopierer


Best of Crypto Strategie-Performance

Best of Crypto Strategie-Performance

Die vergangene Performance ist nicht indikativ für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Schwankungen der EUR (€) -Währung können dazu führen, dass die Renditen nach oben oder unten gehen. Die angegebenen Renditen sind vor Gebühren.Siehe Offenlegung von Gebühren und Strategiedaten für weitere Details.

Über diese Strategie

Über diese Strategie

Aktives Strategiemanagement, 6 Jahre Krypto-Erfahrung, Einsatz von Stablecoins zur Reduzierung von Verlusten, immer diversifiziert, kein Glücksspiel


Jährlicher Ertrag
+15,68 %
Maximaler Drawdown
-76,07 %
-5,06 %
+3,17 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Siehe Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Änderungen der Struktur

Letzte Strukturänderung
13.09.2024, 16:04:02
Anzahl der Strukturänderungen in den letzten 30 Tagen


Best of Crypto
24 Aug., 2024

Altcoins got really destroyed in the past weeks, much more than I expected. I shpuld have held more cash, but at some point it was too late. Lets hope that the prospect of lower rates will help the altcoins we hold, they are dirt cheap!

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Best of Crypto
16 Mai, 2024

Pretty dull price action over the past weeks. Altcoins underperformed Bitcoin but due to the meme stock hype in the US, I can imagine we might also get more positive moves in the altcoin space. I still hold many Bitcoin "peers" like Litecoin because the ETF discussion will in my view shift from Ethereum to Litecoin at some point. Litecoin is a commodity like Bitcoin and already has a futures market so I that an ETF can easily be granted.

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Best of Crypto
18 Apr., 2024

Only a bit more than 1 day until BTC halving. I wouldnt have expected anyone would sell before the event, but in reality we got a small BTC correction and quite a big one for many altcoins. In the past, the best time for altcoin came after the halving, so lets see if history repeats

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Best of Crypto
11 Apr., 2024

So in the last days we had some volatility due to FED and ECB decisions. In the end not much changed.

The SEC yesterday said that they are investigating Uniswap Labs, the company behind Uniswap, the biggest decentralised exchange. No details out, but in the end they can do nothing to a decentralised project, only to the US company that set it up. The price of UNI-Token has come down a lot and I increased our stake to 5 % today and reinvested our cash also in Bitcoin. We will have Bitcoin halving within a few days and price is still moving sideways. Lets see if we can break out now.

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Best of Crypto
5 Apr., 2024

I moved to a sizeable cash position yesterday. The FED speech clearly killed hopes for early rate cuts and the price action for Eth and Bitcoin looks weak. Maybe we'll get a deeper correction before the Halving? Bitcoin still has an open price gap at 63k and I would like to see this filled.

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