Invester ikke, medmindre du er parat til at miste alle de penge, du investerer. Kryptovalutaer er en højrisikoinvestering, der kan være meget ustabil, og du skal ikke forvente at være beskyttet, hvis noget går galt. Brug 2 minutter på at lære mere.

Se den aktuelle PAX Gold-pris i EUR. Køb PAX Gold, eller føj den til din Kryptostrategi.

PAX Gold


PAXG til EUR Pris

2.753,68 €

PAX Gold Markedsværdi

575,96M €

Se alle købs-/salgsmuligheder

PAXG EUR prisdiagram / præstation

PAXG EUR prisdiagram / præstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer. Se oplysninger om gebyrer og aktivdata for flere detaljer.



Afkast (24t)
-0,11 %
Afkast (7D)
-2,70 %
Afkast (1M)
+0,14 %
Afkast (1å)
+46,64 %

Min investering

Min investering

Fortjeneste taget
0,00 €
0,00 %
Du har:
0,00 €
Urealiseret P/L
0,00 €
0,00 %

PAX Gold(PAXG) Oversigt

PAX Gold(PAXG) Oversigt

Beskrivelse for PAX Gold er stadig under udarbejdelse ...

Sådan køber du PAX Gold eller tilføjer det til din Strategi

Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe PAX Gold på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker PAX Gold live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.

Du kan købe PAX Gold ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.

Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om PAX Gold er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).

Hvis du ikke er bekendt med at analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker at købe PAX Gold, anbefaler vi, at du læser næste afsnit, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilgang.

Tilføj PAX Gold til din portefølje ved at kopiere en Strategi

Hvis du ikke er dygtig til disse, kan du overveje en anden tilgang til at investere i kryptovalutaer. Du kan lære af og kopiere erfarne kryptohandlere på ICONOMI, som regelmæssigt deler deres indsigt og administrerer deres offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til strategisiden og brug filteret "ticker" til at finde ud af, hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier der har PAX Gold i deres struktur.


Her kan du læse og kommentere alle indlæg lavet af Strateger om PAX Gold PAXG. Se alle PAX Gold EUR prisforudsigelser i realtid, og få mest muligt ud af deres kryptoviden.

Alpha Digital
14 jan., 2025

$BTC looked very bad just yesterday.

Today is a whole different story.

All in all I still think the decision to move into $PAXG and $USDT was the right one considering we had a structural break lower.

Not only were $BTC able to reverse the sell-off it even managed to move above 95k - a resistance for the last 7 days.

I now want to see it hold above.

PPI today was better than forecasted so only CPI left to remove uncertainty from the markets.

Trump taking office could be another positive catalyst though only time can tell how much of this is already priced in.

Considering all of this Crypto is in a good place and once I see confirmation I will add strong coins like $IOTA, $AAVE, $SOL, $LTC.

4 folk kan lide dette

I Guess an update is needed

What the fuck is happening man..

Can you address the rumor that the strategy was managed by a different person in the last year?

Alpha Digital
10 dec., 2024

The dust has settled and we can see a clear change of character on $BTC.

It is the first time since breaking its all time high that it is not able to reclaim these 4H moving averages quickly.

In my opinion this greatly increases the probability for further losses.

I started to derisk by moving 50% of the strategy to $USDT and am actively considering $PAXG for as long as $BTC does not show clear signs of a bottom or recovery.

4 folk kan lide dette

@p4ul0skar sorry for the typos but this s*y app has no edit functions

@p4ul0skar i’m happy you addresses the concers at least, but something went really wrong with this strategy the recent year. Maybe the choice of the assets was not good enough, or timing was not good enough, but for me to realize that we made losses in 1 year with BTC being +167% is the signal that something went really bad, it was probably harder to achieve this result than having +50% profit. Also when the strat skyrocketed in november/december MAYBE it could have been a good idea to take savings or to concert something to BTC, but choices were made to lose everything again

@mmmambocosmo I respectfully disagree with your assessment that the strategy is 'unattended'. $BTC is still in a clean up trend, $PYTH hasn't broken its lows so I would still consider it in a range. $OP which has broken the lows got swapped out with $AAVE which so far performed very well and had strong bounces after every low.

I can only reiterate that we are in a bull market until further notice and dips and corrections up to a certain degree are normal market behavior.

5 dec., 2024

Structure update: sadly we are informed that starting januari 1st, 2025 $PAXG (tokenized Gold) will no longer be available on ICONOMI due to the MiCA Crypto regulations in effect in Europe.

This means CARUS-AR is selling it's 6% Gold (PAXG) for:
- 3% extra Bitcoin
- 3% extra USD

Would have liked to be more diversified into Gold, sadly new regulations simply do not allow for this.
Since Gold is at a good price, I prefer to sell now and not wait till the 31st of December.

The general strategy remains the same: sell slowly into lower risk assets: $BTC and $USDC.

5 folk kan lide dette

@TDj_Slo it is not published yet, apologies, was told this in a meeting.

I write to Iconomi support and delistening of PAXG gold is not yet confirmee for 1.1.2025. "We will follow the regulatory guidelines in the coming months.
Such large changes or the delisting of larger assets will be communicated through our channels in due time."

Ty for info. Where is this published from Iconomi about delisting PAXG?

5 dec., 2024

Once again our 'profit take levels' of 10% up have been reached! We lower our ALT risk 1.5% and add a extra 0.5% to: #Bitcoin $BTC, #Gold $PAXG and #USD $USDC.

Fantastic gains, markets looking fantastic. Let's stick to the plan!

7 folk kan lide dette
4 dec., 2024

The value of one CAR is currently 75.43 USD, just 2 dollar away from our next 'profit taking point' where we lower our ALTS 1.5% to add 0.5% to: USD $USDC, Gold $PAXG and Bitcoin $BTC.

Markets continue to be green, Bitcoin Dominance is dropping.

Good times, happy with all copiers who are coming along with our plan!

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Andre Populære Kryptovalutaer


Hvad er den højeste pris for PAX Gold (PAXG) i EUR?

PAX Gold (PAXG) prishistorik viser den højeste værdi på 2.864,65 EUR . Vi registrerede denne pris på 25. februar 2025, men vi kan ikke udelukke, at der blev registreret en højere pris før 24. februar 2021.

Hvad er den laveste pris for PAX Gold (PAXG) i EUR?
Hvordan kan jeg købe PAX Gold (PAXG)?
Hvad er den aktuelle pris på PAX Gold (PAXG) i EUR?
Er PAX Gold (PAXG) en god investering?