Invester ikke, medmindre du er parat til at miste alle de penge, du investerer. Kryptovalutaer er en højrisikoinvestering, der kan være meget ustabil, og du skal ikke forvente at være beskyttet, hvis noget går galt. Brug 2 minutter på at lære mere.

Prophet Priest and King

Strategi for kopiering af aktiver

8.065 €

Antal kopierende


Prophet Priest and King Strategipræstation

Prophet Priest and King Strategipræstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer.Se oplysninger om gebyrer og Strategidata for flere detaljer.

Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

My strategy is to seek to outperform bitcoin by purchasing alt coins that are doing well. I will do this as ofter as is necessary however not to the detriment of paying a lot of fees. I will be purchasing high volatility coins when I believe we are near the end of the bull market.


Annualiseret Afkast
-0,91 %
Maks. Drawdown
-89,58 %
-19,28 %
+8,40 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
6. mar. 2025 05.05.06
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


Merry Christmas everyone. May you all have a wonderful time with family and friends. Cant wait to see what 2024 brings us. Many Blessings. Kev

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Happy New Year

Is the bear market over???? we will wait and see however if we look at the past we can see that we have 3 years of good times and 1 year of bad, so I am expecting in the next 2-3 months to see us start to have a rally going into the end of 2024/5

Have a great year. Many blessings to you and your families.

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I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and successful New Year.

We are in cash at the moment waiting to see what may happen with Genesis and if there are any other hidden things that may come out of the woodwork. I believe at this stage that is the best strategy and lets wait for the New Year before putting our funds back to work.

May you all have a blessed time with family and friends this Christmas season.

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I was asleep during the capitulation so missed getting out and going to cash or gold however lets not panic and hold as I believe we will be up again by the end of the month

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Hi everyone, We havent done a lot of trading lately as we are in a range bound market. The bollinger bands are very tight and I am waiting to see which way it breaks. I'm thinking down however we will wait and see.

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