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Tag 'Skin i spillet'

Blockchain Easy Access

Strategi for kopiering af aktiver

46.753 €

Antal kopierende


Blockchain Easy Access Strategipræstation

Blockchain Easy Access Strategipræstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer.Se oplysninger om gebyrer og Strategidata for flere detaljer.

Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

The Blockchain Easy Access Crypto Strategy provides retail access to a diversified portfolio of cryptocurrencies without the need to open accounts on multiple exchanges. At this early stage, most of the Crypto Strategy is invested in base layer protocol investments, but the intention over time is to hold a wide range of assets covering all sectors and layers within the ecosystem.

The purpose of diversification in the portfolio is not to diversify the risk of capital loss but to diversify the opportunity for ultra-high growth.

The objective of the Crypto Strategy is to provide easy access to a pool of crypto assets. Up to 70% of the Crypto Strategy assets will be held in projects like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Raiden for long-term gain.

The balance of the Crypto Strategy's assets will be spread across the leading projects in sectors/areas that are likely to be among the first to be impacted by blockchain technology. This includes privacy, fintech, sovereignty, shared data, value exchange, and authenticity.

Investment Allocation:

  • Base layer protocols: Long-term hold; 50-70% of portfolio
  • Dapps seeking to disrupt existing business models: Actively traded; up to 30% of portfolio
  • Opportunistic buying: Assets held in stable coins ready to transfer to new projects or opportunistic purchases; up to 30% of portfolio


Annualiseret Afkast
+5,05 %
Maks. Drawdown
-94,13 %
+5,00 %
+2,94 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
2. dec. 2024 09.50.28
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


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