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6 Reasons Why Investing in Crypto Is a Good Idea [2024]
Investing 101
Aug 12, 2024

6 Reasons Why Investing in Crypto Is a Good Idea [2024]

If you're an investor who's looking for new opportunities in 2024, then the odds are you might be grappling with the question of whether cryptocurrencies are worth investing in. This is a particularly appealing question to ask, especially since many traditional assets are showing signs of instability whilst global economic uncertainty continues to prevail. 

However, the common volatility and occasional complexity of the crypto market can also leave some investors a little unsure about getting involved. But what is arguably the biggest barrier to entry is the lack of awareness of the benefits that can be obtained through investing in crypto. So before you dismiss cryptocurrency as too risky, it's crucial to first be aware of the unique benefits they offer. 

This article will therefore delve into the 6 most compelling reasons to consider adding cryptocurrencies to your investment strategy in 2024.

In this article, we'll touch on: 

  • Diversification of investment portfolios
  • Potential for high returns
  • Decentralisation and security
  • 24/7 market availability
  • Inflation hedge
  • New financial products and opportunities

Let's dive in!

6 Reasons Why Crypto Investing Is a Good Idea

Below are 6 of the most compelling reasons for investing in cryptocurrencies in 2024:

1) Diversification of investment portfolio

The first reason why crypto investing can be a good idea is that it brings about significant diversification. Unlike traditional assets such as stocks and bonds, cryptocurrencies often behave independently of broader market movements. 

This independence can introduce new benefits, including:

Enhancing risk-adjusted returns

Cryptocurrencies can improve the risk-adjusted returns of a portfolio by offering higher potential returns for a given level of risk. Traditional assets like stocks and bonds typically follow the same economic cycles, but cryptocurrencies, with their unique market dynamics, can provide returns even when other markets are underperforming. By incorporating crypto, investors can potentially boost their portfolio’s overall performance without significantly increasing risk.

Reducing portfolio volatility 

Another compelling reason to include cryptocurrencies in your portfolio is their low correlation with traditional financial markets. This low correlation means that when stocks or bonds are experiencing volatility, cryptocurrencies may not follow the same pattern. This divergence can help smooth out the overall portfolio volatility, making it more resilient to market shocks and providing a steadier growth trajectory over time.

Broader exposure to different markets

Investing in cryptocurrencies also provides exposure to the rapidly growing digital asset market, which operates independently of traditional financial markets. This market includes innovative sectors such as decentralised finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are not tied to the same economic factors as stocks or real estate. So, by broadening your exposure, you’re tapping into new, high-growth areas that have the potential to significantly boost your portfolio’s performance.

2) Potential for high returns

The next benefit is that if chosen wisely and with a well-thought-out strategy, cryptocurrencies have the potential to deliver high returns, often surpassing those of traditional investments. While this comes with inherent risks, understanding the dynamics of the crypto market can help investors leverage its volatility for substantial gains.

Below are some specific benefits regarding high returns:

Leveraging market volatility for gains

The crypto market is known for its sharp price swings, which, while risky, can offer significant profit opportunities for those who can navigate it effectively. Active trading strategies, such as day trading or swing trading, can capitalise on these fluctuations. For instance, traders can buy into a cryptocurrency during a dip and sell during a peak, potentially achieving returns far greater than those possible in more stable markets. This ability to exploit volatility is one of the primary reasons seasoned investors are drawn to the crypto space.

Early adoption of emerging technologies

Investing in cryptocurrencies also offers the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of emerging technologies. Just as early investors in Bitcoin or Ethereum saw exponential returns, investing in promising new projects during their nascent stages can yield substantial rewards. These opportunities are akin to venture capital investing, where high risk is balanced by the potential for outsized returns. Identifying and supporting innovative projects in their early phases can lead to significant financial gains as these technologies gain mainstream adoption.

Historical outperformance compared to traditional assets

Over the past decade, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have consistently outperformed traditional asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and commodities during specific periods. For example, Bitcoin’s rise from a few cents to thousands of dollars within a decade is a testament to its explosive growth potential. This historical performance illustrates the unique opportunity that cryptocurrencies present, particularly for investors willing to tolerate higher volatility in pursuit of superior returns. 

3) Decentralisation and security

Another benefit of investing in cryptocurrencies is their decentralised nature, which not only enhances security, but also offers a layer of protection against systemic failures seen in traditional financial systems. This decentralisation, coupled with robust security protocols, makes cryptocurrencies a compelling investment for those seeking greater control and trust in their financial transactions.

Specific benefits include:

Reduced risk of centralised failures

Decentralisation removes the reliance on central authorities like banks or governments, reducing the risk of systemic failures. In traditional finance, centralised institutions can be single points of failure, vulnerable to economic crises, political instability, or even cyber-attacks. Cryptocurrencies, by distributing control across a network of nodes, mitigate these risks, providing a more resilient financial system. This resilience can protect your assets from the fallout of central bank policies or institutional failures, giving you more peace of mind.

Enhanced security through consensus mechanisms

Blockchain networks use consensus mechanisms such as proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) to secure transactions. These mechanisms ensure that all transactions are verified and recorded on an immutable ledger, making it nearly impossible for bad actors to alter the data. PoW, used by Bitcoin, requires significant computational power to validate transactions, while PoS, used by networks like Ethereum 2.0, involves validators staking their assets as collateral, disincentivising fraudulent behaviour. These security features protect your investments from hacking attempts and fraud, ensuring that your crypto assets are safeguarded by one of the most secure technologies available.

Increased transparency and trust

The transparency of blockchain technology is another significant advantage. Every transaction is recorded on a public ledger, accessible to anyone, and cannot be altered once verified. This transparency builds trust among users, as they can independently verify transactions without relying on a third party. For investors, this means a higher degree of accountability and a reduced risk of manipulation or fraud. The immutable nature of blockchain records ensures that all transactions are permanent and traceable, further enhancing the security and trustworthiness of the crypto ecosystem.

4) 24/7 market availability

Another unique benefit of cryptocurrencies is that their markets are continuous. Unlike traditional financial markets that have set trading hours, crypto markets are open 24/7, allowing for unmatched flexibility and accessibility for investors across the globe.

Benefits include:

Flexibility for global investors

The round-the-clock nature of crypto markets allows investors from all time zones to trade at their convenience. Whether you're in Asia, Europe, or the Americas, you can engage with the market whenever it suits you without worrying about market closures or missed opportunities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those who juggle investing with other commitments, enabling them to manage their portfolios on their own terms, whether during the day or late at night.

Immediate reaction to market events

Cryptocurrency markets also enable investors to respond instantly to market news and events. In traditional markets, significant news often breaks outside of trading hours, leaving investors unable to act until the market reopens. In contrast, crypto investors can react in real time, making decisions based on the latest information, which can be crucial in a market known for its volatility. This immediacy helps investors protect their positions or capitalise on breaking news without delay.

Increased liquidity and trading opportunities

The continuous availability of the cryptocurrency market leads to increased liquidity and more trading opportunities. With no closing bell, investors can enter or exit positions at any time, which can lead to better price discovery and more efficient markets. The constant activity ensures that there's always someone to trade with, reducing the spread between buying and selling prices and making it easier for investors to execute trades at favourable prices. This continuous flow of trading also contributes to a more dynamic market environment where opportunities are always within reach.

5) Inflation hedge

In times of economic uncertainty and rising inflation, preserving purchasing power becomes an important concern for investors. For this reason, cryptocurrencies (particularly those with a capped supply like Bitcoin) are increasingly seen as a potential hedge against inflation, offering an alternative to traditional inflation-protected assets.

Moreover, for those looking to manage their crypto investments with traditional banking services, it's worth exploring the best crypto-friendly banks in the UK, which can offer additional benefits and convenience for your financial strategy.

Some of the main benefits include:

Protecting purchasing power

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with limited supply can serve as a safeguard against inflation. Traditional fiat currencies can lose value as central banks increase money supply, eroding purchasing power. In contrast, Bitcoin’s fixed supply of 21 million coins makes it resistant to inflationary pressures. As more fiat currency chases a finite number of bitcoins, the value of Bitcoin can increase, helping to preserve the purchasing power of its holders. 

Comparison with traditional inflation hedges

Historically, assets like gold have been used as a hedge against inflation due to their intrinsic value and limited supply. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are often compared to gold for this reason, even earning the nickname "digital gold." While both gold and Bitcoin provide protection against inflation, Bitcoin offers additional benefits, such as ease of transfer, divisibility, and storage. Moreover, Bitcoin's performance during inflationary periods has sometimes outpaced that of gold, offering investors a potentially higher return while still serving as a hedge.

Long-term store of value potential

Beyond acting as a hedge against short-term inflation, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin also present a long-term store of value potential. Just as gold has been used for centuries to store wealth, Bitcoin is increasingly being viewed as a modern alternative. Its decentralised nature and predictable issuance schedule provide a level of security and predictability that fiat currencies cannot match. Over time, as adoption increases and market dynamics stabilise, Bitcoin’s role as a reliable store of value could become even more pronounced, particularly in an inflationary global economy.

6) New financial products and opportunities

Last but not least, the crypto space has given rise to a wealth of exciting new financial products and opportunities that were unimaginable just a few years ago. These innovations are not only reshaping the financial landscape but are also offering investors new ways to grow and manage their wealth.

Some benefits include:

Access to high-yield opportunities

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) platforms are at the forefront of offering high-yield opportunities that often surpass traditional financial returns. Through staking, lending, and liquidity provision, investors can earn significant returns on their crypto assets. For example, staking allows investors to lock up their assets in a blockchain network, earning rewards in return. Similarly, providing liquidity to decentralised exchanges (DEXs) can yield lucrative returns through transaction fees. These opportunities present a compelling case for investors seeking to maximise their returns in a low-interest-rate environment.

Flexibility of crypto-backed loans

Crypto-backed loans are revolutionising the way individuals and businesses access credit. These loans allow borrowers to leverage their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral, often with lower interest rates and more flexible terms than traditional loans. This means investors can unlock liquidity without selling their assets, allowing them to maintain their exposure to potential future gains. The ability to access capital quickly and efficiently while still holding onto appreciating assets provides a powerful financial tool for both short-term needs and long-term investment strategies.

Democratising access to financial instruments

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is democratising access to financial instruments that were previously the domain of institutional investors or high-net-worth individuals. Platforms like Uniswap, Aave, and Compound offer tools for trading, borrowing, and lending that are accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This democratisation breaks down barriers, allowing individuals from all backgrounds to participate in sophisticated financial markets, earn yields, and manage risk more effectively. By levelling the playing field, DeFi is empowering a new generation of investors to take control of their financial futures.


As we move further into 2024, the landscape for investment continues to evolve, and cryptocurrencies are becoming an increasingly significant part of that evolution. From providing portfolio diversification to acting as a hedge against inflation, the unique benefits of crypto investing are difficult to ignore. These digital assets offer not just the potential for high returns but also introduce innovative financial products and opportunities that are democratising finance on a global scale.

For investors willing to embrace the volatility and educate themselves on the complexities of the market, cryptocurrencies present an exciting frontier. As always, conducting thorough research and staying informed will be key to successfully navigating this dynamic space. So, regardless if you are experienced or not, now is the time to consider how cryptocurrencies can fit into your broader investment strategy.

The future of finance is being shaped today—will you be part of it?

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