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TITANIUM SKYHIGH Strategy Performance

TITANIUM SKYHIGH Strategy Performance

Apr 12, 2024
Apr 19, 2024

About this Strategy

About this Strategy

TITANIUM SKYHIGH is a high-risk high-return strategy. We identify the highest alpha potential altcoins using both technical and fundamental analysis.

Performance & Risk

Performance & Risk
Annualised Return
Max. Drawdown
-89.79 %
-14.68 %
+7.17 %



See structure

Structure changes

Structure changes

Last structure change
Apr 11, 2024, 3:28:58 PM
Number of structure change in the last 30 days


16 Apr, 2024

Hongkong je izdal predhodno dovoljenje za prvi ETF za bitcoin ($BTC) in ethereum ($ETH). Ta trend rasti kaže na optimizem, zato smo optimistični glede njegovega potenciala.  📈

Oglejte si naslednjo povezavo 👉 LINK

Radi bi poudarili, da ta petek zaznamuje dolgo pričakovani dogodek razpolovitve Bitcoina! To je dogodek, ki zgodovinsko gledano vodi v dvig cen, saj se proizvodnja novih bitcoinov prepolovi.

Celoten trg je doživel popravek, vendar je pomembno omeniti naše optimistične (bikovske) napovedi. Številni altcoini so se soočili z likvidacijo,

potem ko je v medijih izbruhnila novica o sporu med Izraelom in Iranom. 

Oglejte si naslednjo povezavo 👉 LINK

Vidimo, da je ta korekcija najbolj prizadela $GALA A in THE SANDBOX, zato v prihodnjih dneh pričakujemo pozitiven vzpon. Zdaj je čas, da držimo in počakamo.

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11 Apr, 2024

Rebalans naše strategije ⚖️

Pravkar smo zaključili rebalans portfelja Iconomi Titanium Skyhigh. Ta strateška prilagoditev je vključevala zmanjšanje alokacij nekaterih tokenov in povečanje alokacij drugih.

Po strateškem pregledu so bili iz portfelja odstranjeni naslednji tokeni: Siacoin ($SC), Filecoin ($FIL), Alpha Finance ($ALPHA), Reef ($REEF), NEM ($XEM), Sushi Swap ($SUSHI), Band ($BAND) in Balancer ($BAL). Ta sprememba daje prednost inovativnim projektom z močnimi razvojnimi načrti in se osredotoča na nastajajoča področja na področju kriptovalut.

Pri Jasmy ($JASMY) smo ohranili trdno prepričanje o potencialu tokena Jasmy (JASMY), zato alokacija ostaja 12,04-odstotna. Strateško smo dodali token Thorchain ($RUNE) zaradi inovativnih rešitev DeFi in družbo Ocean Protocol ($OCEAN) zaradi vloge v podatkovnem gospodarstvu in posledic umetne inteligence. S tem smo povečali razpršenost in se pripravili na prihodnjo rast. $OCEAN in $RUNE ter ostalih 10 preostalih tokenov imajo zdaj vsak po 7,33-odstotno alokacijo v portfelju.

Z enakomernejšo porazdelitvijo teže portfelja želimo zmanjšati koncentracijo tveganja, s čimer želimo ublažiti vpliv uspešnosti posameznega žetona na celoten portfelj.

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5 Apr, 2024

Introducing TITANIUM SKYHIGH Strategy: Reach New Heights in Crypto Investing! 💸

Welcome to TITANIUM SKYHIGH Strategy, where we're dedicated to maximize your investment journey. Our high-risk, high-return strategy identifies top-performing altcoins through a blend of technical and fundamental analysis, while embracing the upfront of decentralized finance (DeFi,), Web3 protocols, and other services included in the crypto ecosystem.

Note To Our Copiers 👇

Starting this Monday, expect regular updates from us! We'll keep you informed on our crypto strategies, any rebalances, as well as important market movements. In addition, we'll also share other relevant insights or our views on crypto in between updates.

Unlocking Alpha Potential

TITANIUM SKYHIGH uncovers altcoins with exceptional alpha potential, pushing the boundaries of traditional crypto-market trends to maximize your high risk, high reward strategy .

Explore DeFi and Web3 Innovation 👨‍🔬

We explore innovative investment opportunities within the decentralized crypto market, as well as Web3 paving the way for new ways of profitability.

Crafting Your Course to Success 🧵

With precision and determination, we navigate high-risk investments to help you reach your higher return strategy.

Engage with us Today and aim High🚀

We are eager to engage with you to be part of the higher risk strategies with Titanium, where we explore the thrill of high-risk, high-reward investment with the precision and expertise of the Decentralised Finance, and Web3 movement.

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